The Buttshafts

About a girl.

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From the world she has fled.
Seeing threw a tangled web.
Not looking forward to tomorrow.
She of a thousand so called sorrows.


Man, this sites kinda nifty. This is the first time I've gotten on here since no one told me how to get on here! (You didnt ask!)...o? Yeah I guess.. Anyway, on to the crud that has to do with me being myself.
I, as you  have probably guessed since I am the only girl in this band, am Laura Cantu a.ka. Ms. Buttnugget 40k. Theres not much to me. I'm an individual whos always wanted to play the drums and one day decided to do just that. I'm not very good, actually I cant even call my myself a drummer. I bring shame upon my drums, but thats okay cause they still love me. Plus the fact that none of my "masterpieces" (Thats right the ones that dont exist) have been graced upon with the idea of being included onto one of The Buttshafts' songs, but one day.. Anyway, theres a reason for everything, but I dont feel like getting to that right now. I think I might have gotten a bit off topic. Lets do this.. I'll make up questions people might ask me and answer them.
Enter Interviewer #1: Hi, I just wanted to know what exactly do you do in The Buttshafts? I'm their #1 fan.
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: Yeah, uhm, I play the drums.
Interviewer #1: Then why isnt there any drum parts in any of the songs?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: Because I'm cool like that.
Interviewer #1: Well, if your not really playing the drums then why are you still in the band?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: I'm going out with Buttnugget okay?? Is it too much to ask that I ask to be just slightly respected?
Interviewer #1: Uhm, What are you doing with those knifes?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: I deserve respect for things I did not doo!!
Interviewer #1: Ah.. blarggh... guh..
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: NEXT!
Enter Interviewer #2: What happend to that guy?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: I'm not sure. Questions?
Interviewer #2: So, how old are you and when did you decide you wanted to play the drums for a band?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: ...Doest it really matter? I'm 17 years old since December 8, 2004 and I've always wanted to play drums. One day I woke up and decided "Hey my life is worthless anyway!"
Interviewer #2: Is it true that your going out with buttnugget and he wrote the "racist" yo soy un Mexicano? Doesnt that insult you?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: ...FOOK YEW!! Why are you people constantly insisting on such things!! NO, that is NOT a racist song its all humoristic. Thats just how it is!
Interviewer #2: Ms.butnugget.. uhm.. I dont feel comfortable with.. gahh! sfdhsikfhsd (Yeah he died too.. dont ask me how to pronounce sfdhsikfhsd, its merely a scream of pain.)
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: NEXT!
Enter Interviewer #3: hi.. OMG! What happend to them?!
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: I dont know.. they were like that when I got here.
Interviewer #3: So.. What kind of music do you like?
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: Why? Do you plan on buying me some CDs?
Interviewer #3: No I..
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: Then why does it matter?
Interviewer #3: I was just curious, its just a question that your fans* were wondering!
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: oh, well I kinda like Alanis Morissette.
Interviewer #3: Ok, and..
Ms. Buttnugget 40k: NO! You know my secret now you must diiieee...
Well that was fun! I hope you enojoyed reading it as much as I did typing it up. I just couldnt bear to kill another interviewer, after all, their just doing their job.
*haha my fans.. thats funny. (Theres a star somewhere in the interview, other wise you would be considered dumb by all your friend for not getting the funniest joke ever.)
I like stuff!
Bands: Murderdolls, The beatles, Rob Zombie, AC/DC, KoRn, Alanis Morissette, etc etc
Anime: Too many to name..
              And other things! Now go away you nosy person!!
(Made on January 13, 2004.)


Now remember kids, its all just questionable fun!
-Ms. Buttnugget 40k